Can’t see you anymore
I can’t see you anymore, everyone says you’re too young for me.
Funny, Motivational and Inspirational Memes and Quotes. All photos used are copyrighted and properly licensed for All content is legal and safe for work.
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I can’t see you anymore, everyone says you’re too young for me.
I have a disease called AWESOMENESS. You won’t understand it since you don’t have it.
May your life someday be as awesome as you pretend it is on Facebook.
If olive oil is made from olives, then what is baby oil made from?!?
Just sending a smile to whoever may need one today 🙂
Spring is a beautiful season. Alergic thinks the opposite.
This is the new official flag of FRIDAY.
Studying. Notice how they conveniently put “dying” at the end of this word.
What? No, I didn’t text you last night. Vodka did.